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Setting up Full Size Stocktakes for MA

1) Ensure that the Negative Stocktake jobs are put on hold

select * from job_queue_hdr where 
instructions like '%traxs_Custom_MA_NegativeStocktake_Weekly%' or
instructions like'%traxs_Stocktake_SendReminder%' or
instructions like'%traxs_Stocktake_VoidScheduled%'
select * from job_queue_det_scheduled where guid_hdr in (
update job_queue_det_scheduled set start_schedule = '2018-04-01', next_run = null where guid_hdr in (

-- to reinstate rerun the following after the start_schedule date
exec traxs_JobQueue2_CalculateNextRun_Specific @guid = '672988D1-9024-4D1E-828E-0284F719510E'
exec traxs_JobQueue2_CalculateNextRun_Specific @guid = 'C0791B3E-B963-411E-A138-907C313F6818'
exec traxs_JobQueue2_CalculateNextRun_Specific @guid = '1D0E2CF4-6017-4D9E-BF1D-CF08F00C31E9'

2) Clone the Full size Stocktake schedule template. This creates a stocktake for whse_no = 0 which will be cloned for all other stores.

 EXEC [dbo].[traxs_Stocktake_Schedule_Clone_ToModel]
  @guid = 'EAF72CDF-3726-48EC-80E3-D2F1ADB5721E',
  @description = 'End of Year Stocktake 2018',
  @create_date = '2018-03-19',
  @create_hour = 18,
  @complete_by = '2018-03-31'

3) Change the required branches in the SPROC and run with the guid created in in 2)

select guid from stocktake_schedule_hdr where description = 'End of Year Stocktake 2018' and whse_no = 0
traxs_Stocktake_Schedule_Clone_OneOff_Wrap @guid = ?
setting_up_full_size_stocktakes_for_ma.txt · Last modified: 2018/03/14 08:09 by