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See below for the notes on how to resolve simple issues such as “Service not starting” etc.

AppData files deletion

1 - Navigate to C: \AppData\Local\Optomany

2 - Delete the file named “Optomany.MerchantService….”. If there is more than one delete all of them.

ProgramData files deletion

1 - Navigate to C:\ProgramData\Optomany

2 - Delete the log.db (and any backups etc that you may have created in there)

3 - Delete all contents of “Configuration Data” and “Configuration Data Backup”

Attempt to start service again, this helps in most cases.

If it starts, open Optomany remote client to see if it reaches the “awaiting user credentials stage”

service_not_starting_-_optomany.txt · Last modified: 2020/12/08 06:24 by