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Loading in Targets

Make sure they are stores along the x (horizontal axis) and months along the y (vertical). If necessary use the Excel transpose function

Create a table with them all in

create table #temp(

mnth varchar(10),
det_id smallint,
branch_name varchar(30),
site_identifer smallint,
target dec(9,2))

insert into #temp (mnth, branch_name,target) values ('April','Osterley',35520.71)

Update the branch_no and det_id (from the calendar2 table where calendar_id = 3)

update t
set det_id = case t.mnth
when 'April' then 1713
when 'may' then 1714
when 'june' then 1715
when 'july' then 1716
when 'august' then 1717
when 'september' then 1718
when 'october' then 1719
when 'november' then 1720
when 'december' then 1721
when 'January' then 2886
when 'February' then 2887
when 'March' then 2888
site_identifer = b.branch_no
from #temp t
inner join branch b on b.branch_name collate Latin1_General_CI_AS = t.branch_name collate Latin1_General_CI_AS

Confirm that everything has been updated.

select * from #temp where site_identifer is null
select * from #temp where det_id is null

Insert into the target table

begin transaction 
insert  into target_det
(hdr_id, det_id, site_identifier, target_grouping, target_value1, target_value2)
select 1,det_id, site_identifer,null,target,null
from #temp
--commit transaction 

Check costs (ex vat if necessary)

SELECt  branch_name, SUM(sale_val-vat_val) FROM invoice_hdr H INNER JOIN vw_TerminalBranch T ON T.terminal_id = H.terminal_id
WHERE date_time > '2017-05-01' and branch_no in (3,4,6,7,8,9,10,16,17,20,26,31,44,45,46,159,168)
GROUP BY branch_name
loading_in_targets.txt · Last modified: 2017/05/16 09:33 by